Cormac Donnelly
Liverpool Screen School
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: C.P.Donnelly@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2171
Cormac Donnelly is a Senior Lecturer in Film at Liverpool John Moores University. His research interests include Film Sound, Film Craft History and Videographic Criticism. He has published video essays in NECSUS, The Cine-Files, [in]Transition, and Screenworks and his work has appeared in the annual Sight and Sound ‘Best Video Essay’ poll since 2019. He currently holds an associate editor position at the journal [in]Transition and is researching a PhD at the University of Glasgow in videographic essay practice and film sound.
2016, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, MSc Sound Design
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Film, Screen School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Donnelly C. 2024. Sound Stack, Soundwalk, Southworth DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Donnelly C. 2024. Sound Stack, Soundwalk, Southworth Screenworks, 15 DOI Publisher Url
Donnelly C. 2021. I am Sitting in a Room, Listening to Mank Screenworks, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Donnelly C. 2020. Sonic Chronicle, Post Sound Greene LIZ. NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, 9 :453-456 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Donnelly C. 2020. “THE STORY OF A DREAM,” ON NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Avissar ARIEL, Kreutzer EVELYN. The Cine-Files, 15 Publisher Url Public Url
Donnelly C. 2019. Pan Scan Venkman Benson-Allott CAETLIN, Shackleton CHARLIE. {in}Transition, Publisher Url Public Url
Internet publication
Donnelly C. 2024. Calibrating for Kindness. A Pedagogical Encounter with Video Essay Students Publisher Url Public Url
Donnelly C. 2023. A Tactile Art DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Donnelly C. 2023. Sound Before Picture DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Donnelly C. 2022. Can I Remember It Differently? Publisher Url Public Url
Book review
Donnelly C. 2022. The Spanish quinqui film: delinquency, sound, sensation Studies in European Cinema, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Other invited event:
Expanded Screens: The Video Essay, Museum of the Moving Image, New York, My video essay 'Pan Scan Venkman' screened as part of this special event. This screening series presents a selection of video essays from across the 21st century that offer a spectrum of the medium’s possibilities, featuring authors who work in a self-defined space somewhere between film studies and experimental filmmaking. Programmed for the Museum of the Moving Image by Will DiGravio, John Gibbs, Evelyn Kreutzer, Kevin B. Lee, and Mara Oliva. 2025
Video Essay Theory & Practice Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, Invited researcher at a four day research and practice conference organised by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts as part of the 'Video Essay: Futures of Audiovisual Research and Teaching' project. 2022
Videography: Art and Academia. Epistemological, Political and Pedagogical Potentials of Audiovisual Practices, Herrenhausen Palace Hanover, Invited speaker on the panel “Field Reports (by (Artistic) PhD Candidates and Supervisors” at the symposium co-organised by the Leibniz University Hannover & Filmuniversität Babelsberg. 2022
Interrogating the Modes of Videographic Criticism, Aarhus University (Online), Invited speaker on the panel ‘Personal Exploration’. 2022
Conference presentation:
In Dialogue: Embodying and Disembodying the Video Essayist’s Voice, In the Works - Manking and Un-makings of the Video Essay, Lucerne School of Art & Design Switzerland, Oral presentation. 2023
Sound Stack - On Sonic Chronicle, Post Sound, The Theory and Practice of the Video-essay, UMass Amherst, Massachusetts, Video Essay Presentation. 2022
Listening as a Homeless Ghost - Sound, Space, and Perspective in Panic Room, Screen Conference, University of Glasgow, Oral presentation. 2022
Monochromasonics - the sound of Black & White nostalgia, Technology & Tradition, Futureworks Manchester, Oral presentation. 2021
Chasing the Narrative - Re-situating the Action in Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow: A Visionary Director, University of Wolverhampton, Oral presentation. 2019
Selling the Star Beast: Alien and trailer logic, 40 Years of Alien, Bangor University, Oral presentation. 2019
The Sonic Suggestion of Dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park franchise, 25 Years of Jurassic Park (1993): An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Palaeontological Imaginatio, Cardiff University, Oral presentation. 2018
Shortlisted for Best Videographic Film Criticism, BAFTSS, https://vimeo.com/666098921. 2023
Shortlisted for Best Videographic Film Criticism, BAFTSS, https://vimeo.com/320854561. 2021
Stylistic Form Award, Video Essay Film Festival & the Cinema Foundation for Rome, https://vimeo.com/401464305. 2020