Dr Mark Wright
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: M.W.Wright@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr Mark Wright holds a joint appointment between FACT (The Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) one of Europe's leading centres for new media, where he is Director of FACTLab and the Liverpool School of Art and Design at Liverpool John Moore's University, where he is co-director of the Contemporary Art Lab. Previously he has been a senior research fellow between Edinburgh College of Art and the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. He holds a Phd from the University of Cambridge. His research interests centre around the relationship between arts practice, culture and technology and how new meaning unfolds from their interplay. Such an approach requires a focus on the development of new cross disciplinary methodologies encompassing the engagement of real communities through arts practice and co-design.
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, PhD
Cranfield Institute of technology, UK, MSc Industrial Robotics
University of Liverpool, UK, BEng Engineering Science and Industrial Management
Academic appointments
FACT Lecturer in Creativity and Digital Embodiment, Liverpool School of Art and Desigh, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - present
Highlighted publications
Wright MW, Stubbs M. 2016. Recalibrating the White Cube as a hub for social action Digital Creativity, 27 :304-313 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pop S, Toft T, Calvillo N, Wright M. 2016. What Urban Media Art Can Do Why When Where and How? Avedition Gmbh,Csi 9783899862553
Wright MW, Dima M, Arvind DK, Lee J. 2008. Haptically Extended Augmented Prototyping IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2008. ISMAR 2008. :169-170 DOI Publisher Url
McKinley R, Wright M. 2020. Connecting Silos: Examples of Arts Organisation and HEI Collaborations Blain M, Minors H. Artistic Research in Performance through Collaboration :205-249 Palgrave Macmillan 9783030385989 DOI Publisher Url
Wright M, Stubbs M. 2019. Criticality, imagination and interaction: a new basis for art science curation Rossi-Linnemann C, De Martini G. Art in Science Museums Towards a Post-Disciplinary Approach Routledge Research in Museum Studies 9781138589520 Publisher Url
Wright MW, Stubbs M. 2016. Community Engaged Practice: From Superflex to Assemble In 'Tactical Media', Eric Kluitenber and David Garcia, MIT Press, In Press July 2016 Kluitenber E, Garcia D. MIT Press
Wright MW, Coyne R, Stewart J, Ekeus H, Williams R, Travlou P. 2010. Branded Meeting Places: Ubiquitous Technologies and the Design of Places for Meaningful Human Encounter Inns T. Designing for the 21st Century, Volume 2, Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings 2 Ashgate 978-1-4094-0240-4 Publisher Url
Wright MW, Coyne R. 2009. Virtual Flagships and Sociable Media Kent T, Brown R. Flagship Marketing: Concepts and Places Routledge 978-0-415-43602-1
Wright M. The third state of language Jones N, Skinner S. BiblioTech: The Post Digital Library Torque Editions. UK 978-0-9932487-8-8 Publisher Url
Wright M, Horrocks P, Woodbridge P. 2020. Virtual World Museum Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Wright MW, Stubbs M. 2016. Recalibrating the White Cube as a hub for social action Digital Creativity, 27 :304-313 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wright MW, Stubbs M. CloudMaker: A utility to support social creativity Frey J, Brewer S. Palgrave Communications,
Books (authored)
Pop S, Toft T, Calvillo N, Wright M. 2016. What Urban Media Art Can Do Why When Where and How? Avedition Gmbh,Csi 9783899862553
Conference publication
Wright MW, Dima M, Arvind DK, Lee J. 2008. Haptically Extended Augmented Prototyping IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2008. ISMAR 2008. :169-170 DOI Publisher Url
Wright MW, Dima M, Lee J. Exploration of direct bi-manual interaction in digitally mediated stop-motion animation ACM Nordichi 2010 :635-638 DOI Publisher Url
Wright MW, Ekeus H, Coyne R, Stuart J, Travlou P, Williams R. Augmented Duality: Overlapping a Metaverse with the Real World ACE '08 Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
Wright MW, Stewart J, Ekeus H, Coyne R, Travlou P. The Memory Space–Exploring Future Uses Of Web2. 0 And Mobile Internet Though Design Interventions COST
wright M. Cloudmaker: Making Minecraft Real
Wright M. Storing Information for Access Using a Captured Image
Krysa J, Wright MW, Birchall M. Impact Case Study: Academia in Residence: A new model of university-cultural partnerships and the impact on strategic direction, curation and social engagement
Highlighted activities
Lever Prize 2016, NWBLT North West Business Leaders Team, http://www.nwblt.com/news-and-events/winner-of-2016-lever-prize-announced/. 2016
Research Grants Awarded:
RCUK, Digital Economy, ITAAU (Information Technology as a Utility), CloudMaker: A utility to support social creativity between children, Mike Stubbs, Director FACT, Grant value (£): £50000, Duration of research project: 18 months.
Professional activities
Editorial boards:
isea2025 International Symposium on Electronic Art, International Programme Committee Art Jury, https://isea2025.isea-international.org/about/international-program-committee/. 2024
External collaboration:
http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/liverpool-fact-links-cern-coup-10796544, CERN The European Organisation for Nuclear Research, Mónica Bello, Head of Arts@CERN. 2016
Lever Prize 2016, NWBLT North West Business Leaders Team, http://www.nwblt.com/news-and-events/winner-of-2016-lever-prize-announced/. 2016
HCI International 2014 Best Paper Golden Award, HCI International, http://2014.hci.international/pagesmith/108. 2014
Other invited event:
Invited onto Panel on Data in Culture at the Open Data Institute Summit 2015, Keynote Theatre (NFT) British Film Institute, What distinct opportunities and questions does open data raises in relation to the production, practice and dissemination of art? ODI artists in residence 2015, Thomson & Craighead and Natasha Caruana join Hannah Redler to open up some of the key questions facing artists in Generation Open. Also joining the discussion is FACT lecturer at Liverpool School of Art and Design, Dr Mark Wright and electronic musician and researcher, Alex McLean. Link: http://summit.theodi.org/events/data-as-culture-panel/. 2015
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
University of Edinburgh, Mariza Dima, Design-led approach for transferring the embodied skills of puppet stop-motion animators into haptic workspaces. 2013
University of Edinburgh, Sue Hawksley, Dancing to an understanding of embodiment. 2012
Media Coverage:
Cloudmaker: Making Minecraft Real
FACT Liverpool
12th - 18th March 2014
WIred UK and ITV
www.itv.com (opens in a new tab)
www.wired.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
Other Professional Activity:
FACTLab is a collaboration between FACT and LSAD at LJMU. FACTLab is prototyping space situated in FACT Liverpool for artists, the public and digital industries specialists in Liverpool. The project enables innovative ideas to be tested, iterated and delivered in a structured incubator environment that nurtures local creative and digital talent. The FACTLab space is managed by a core team of two full time staff who oversee a programme of training, facilitated workshops and “Show and Tells”. The Director is the FACT/LJMU Inspire post holder Dr. Mark Wright who has co-design the FACTLab. FACTLab supports the development of action research in line with FACT’s Public Programme Building on FACT’s existing collaborations with a cluster of creative/digital practitioners, including Draw & Code, Uniform, Studio Mashbo, Red Ninja and Apposing, FACTLab facilitates collaboration with artists through solicited proposals. Those that demonstrate clear benefits to both parties that consider the immediate concerns of the research and how they can be co-designed to create impactful knowledge exchange through enriched arts experiences that is measureable, affective and has the potential for a pathway to market will be supported. The Pathways to impact are: • Jointly authored (academic/creative sector) peer reviewed publications Furthering meaningful engagement between marketing and the public designed to strengthen public consent of marketing strategies. • Public facing testing and ideation in a “neutral” arts venue • Creative industries sector awareness-raising and buy in • An arts-led research programme.
Research Grants Awarded:
RCUK, Digital Economy, ITAAU (Information Technology as a Utility), CloudMaker: A utility to support social creativity between children, Mike Stubbs, Director FACT, Grant value (£): £50000, Duration of research project: 18 months.