Elysia Greenway
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: E.C.Greenway@2020.ljmu.ac.uk
Elysia is an Impact Officer with Research and Innovation services at LJMU, supporting the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Health. Additionally, Elysia is a PhD Researcher at LJMU's Face Lab, where she focuses on how facial texture (surface information of the face) and display conditions of forensic facial depictions affect recognition. This branches across the psychology of face perception, forensic anthropology and forensic art.
Further to this, Elysia assists on Face Lab's facial depictions of archaeological remains and received her PCIfA from the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists in 2024. Additionally, Elysia has contributed to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) project "Women at the Edge of Empire," depicting archaeological faces. She is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) with Cert FA-iii accreditation and a member of the British Association for Forensic Anthropology (BAFA), as well as is an International Response Team Member for Blake Emergency Service.
Graduating with First Class Honours in Archaeology & Anthropology from the University of Southampton (Year Abroad at University of Western Ontario, Canada), Elysia then earned a Distinction in MSc Forensic Art & Facial Identification from the University of Dundee.
After interning as a forensic artist for The City of Edinburgh Council Archaeology Service (CECAS) she began her PhD research between Face Lab at LJMU and the University of Central Lancashire, under supervision from Prof. Caroline Wilkinson, Prof. Charlie Frowd and Dr Sarah Shrimpton.
Elysia held a research position at the University of Southampton between 2019-2023, analysing impact data for the Humanities European Research Area (HERA) and leading to her appointment as LJMU Impact Officer in 2024.
Elysia has worked as a Research Assistant on multiple short-term projects, including; 'Doctoral Management Research Assistant' role at LJMU Law and Business School (LBS) in 2022, two projects for LJMU's School of Justice Policing Department in 2023 and Funding/Impact Research for JMSU Start-up Hub in 2024.
In 2021, she was awarded an AFHEA qualification, which she has used in her role as a Teaching Support Officer and Demonstrator across multiple faculties at LJMU, delivering lectures, practical and supervising excavation.
Outside of Elysia's core work, she is involved in a PGR-led EDI collaboration with the Doctoral Academy and EDI HR Team, developing resources and workshops. Elysia is a co-founder and was Vice-President of the LJMU RIDE (Respect, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity) Society and became a Student Trustee for LJMU's student union (JMSU) in 2022.
2020, University of Dundee, Scotland, MSc Forensic Art & Facial Identification - Distinction
2019, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Ba(Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology (Year Abroad)
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD Researcher
2024, Wrexham Univeristy, United Kingdom, Introduction to Search Dog Handling - UK K9
2024, Stanford University, United States, Leveraging Diversity & Inclusion for Organisational Excellence
Academic appointments
Impact Officer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
LBS Doctoral Management Research Assistant, Law and Buisness School (LBS), Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - 2023
Research Assistant, Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing, LJMU, 2023 - 2023
Teaching Assistant & Demonstrator, Faculty of Art & Design, Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Anatomy Demonstrator, Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID), University of Dundee, 2020 - 2021
Researcher, Archaeology, University of Southampton, 2019 - 2023
Postgraduate training
Associate Fellowship (AFHEA), United Kingdom, Advance HE, ? - present
Liu C, Castaneyra-Ruiz M, Wilkinson C, Roughley M, Greenway E. 2024. Facial depiction of S127 from Saint Peter’s Abbey church (Judith van Vlaanderen) Publisher Url
Greenway E, Liu C, Wilkinson C. 2024. 2D Facial depiction of K121 from Tamil Nadu India 500-2000BC
Liu C, Wilkinson C, Greenway E, Roughley M. 2022. Digital facial depiction of a young male from the Anglo Saxon Period known as 'Beornwine' on display at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village Publisher Url
Liu C, Wilkinson C, Greenway E. Facial depiction of K-ZC1-3 from Tamil Nadu India 500-2000BC
Wilkinson C, Morley-Chisholm Y, Liu CYJ, Dickinson T, Roughley M, Shrimpton S, Dennis T, Greenway E, Castaneyra-Ruiz M. 2024. 4D digital avatar of King Richard III delivering an address on the conferment on his son, Edward, of the offices of Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester. Author Url Publisher Url
Liu C, Greenway E, Dickinson T, Castaneyra-Ruiz M, Shrimpton S, Wilkinson C. 2024. 3D Facial depiction (physical 3D printed replica) of a Roman individual for the Beacon Museum, Whitehaven UK
Liu C, Castaneyra-Ruiz M, Greenway E, Wilkinson C. 2023. 3D Replica of a skull from Dalton Parlours, on display at Leeds City Museum
Journal article
Wilkinson C, Liu CYJ, Shrimpton S, Greenway E. 2024. Craniofacial identification standards: a review of reliability, reproducibility, and implementation Forensic Science International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sofaer J, Whyton T, Tsoraki C, Greenway E. HERA knowledge exchange & impact University of Southampton Author Url
Sofaer J, Whyton T, Tsoraki C, Greenway E. Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Leverage 2010-2022 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Other invited event:
Forensic Seminar Series: Craniofacial Analysis and Forensic Facial Depiction/Forensic Identification of Migrant Disaster Victims, University of Birmingham, Elysia Greenway and Maria Castaneyra-Ruiz. 2025
Face Perception and Forensic Facial Depiction, Abertay University, Guest Speaker. 2024
Psychology Lecture: Forensic Art, Abertay University, Guest Speaker. 2023
Human Faces: Reconstruction, Reimagination and Representation in a Digital Landscape, Univeristy of London, Digital Humanities Researxch Hub Seminar Series, Guest Speaker. https://www.sas.ac.uk/about-us/institutes-centres/digital-humanities-research-hub/events/past-events/digital-materiality-seminar-2021-2022. 2022
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, International launch event, Presenter and technical support, York Theatre Royal, 'A Voice for King Richard III', Face Lab presented a talking digital avatar of King Richard III, detailing the conferment on his son, Edward, of the offices of Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbH_KLMs6aY. 2024
Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, General Public, Face Lab Team, Beacon Museum, Cumbria, UK, Facial Reconstruction Outreach: Stoutergate Depictions, https://www.whitehavennews.co.uk/news/24508587.soutergate-skull-now-display-museum-whitehaven/. 2024
Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, Young Archaeologist Club, Face Lab Team, Museum of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, Archaeological Facial Depiction. 2024
Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, General Public, Face Lab Team, Museum of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, Archaeological Facial Depiction Activities. 2024
Public talk or lecture, Archaeology Group FU3A, Invited Speaker, St David's Church Hall, Mold, Wales, Face Lab: Archaeological & Forensic Facial Depiction. 2024
Public talk or lecture, Flintshire Historical Society, Invited Speaker, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Mold, UK, Facial Depiction from Human Remains: Uses within Forensic Identification & Archaeological Investigation. 2023
Museum and Gallery exhibitions/education, General Public, Co-organsier, DJCAD, University of Dundee, UK, Bits & Bones Exhibition. 2020
Media Coverage:
News coverage of the launch of a 4D digital avatar of King Richard III delivering an address on the conferment on his son, Edward, of the offices of Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester. 2024
www.theguardian.com (opens in a new tab)
www.bbc.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
news.sky.com (opens in a new tab)
BBC Digging For Britain (opens in a new tab) 2022
A series of digitised skulls and reconstructed the faces of archaeological remains uncovered during the excavations of the medieval graveyard in Leith, dating back to the 14th & 17th Century, as part of the Edinburgh Tram Project. 2021
theedinburghreporter.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
www.bbc.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
dailymail.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
Conference presentation:
An investigation into best procedures for display and communication of facial textures: A toolkit for presenting forensic facial depictions, 20th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification: Artificial Intelligence meets Craniofacial Identification, University of Granada, Spain, Oral presentation, https://panacea-coop.com/events&news/iaci-2024-congress/. 2024
Questioning the texture and display protocols used in forensic facial depiction, British Association for Forensic Anthropology AGM and winter conference 2023, Wrexham University, UK, Oral Presentation. 2023
Forensic faces and face perception: maximising the potential for recognition of unidentified human remains., Annual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Oral Presentation. 2023
Forensic Facial Depictions: How can texture and display choices impact recognition of unidentified’, British Society of Criminology Conference 2023, UCLan, Preston, UK, Oral Presentation. 2023
Along for the RIDE (Respect, Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity), Students at the Heart, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral Presentation. 2023
Recognising Faces: Advancing Texture and Display in Forensic Facial Depiction, 19th International Association for Craniofacial Identification Meeting, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral Presentation & Poster. 2022
Embracing Change: Nurturing Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity and Respect Within The Postgraduate Community, Student at the Heart Conference, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral Presentation. 2022
(3 Minute Thesis Finalist) Recognising Faces: Advancing Texture and Display in Forensic Facial Depiction, LJMU PGR Festival, Martime Museum Liverpool, Oral Presentation & Poster. 2022
Underrepresented Archaeological Faces From The Danube Delta, The International Association for Craniofacial Identification - Race and Face: bias in forensic and archaeological investigation, (Online Symposium), Poster presentation. 2021
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU QR APSS, Capturing impact and public opinion: response to facial depictions of people from the past on display in GLAMs (2024), C. Y. Jessica Liu, Caroline Wilkinson, Sarah Shrimpton, Maria Castaneyra-Ruiz, Mark Roughley, Elysia Greenway, Thomas Dickinson, Viviana Conti, Grant value (£): 9,680.46, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2024
LJMU Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarship Scheme, PhD Writing-up Extension, Grant value (£): N/A, Duration of research project: 6 Months. 2024
LJMU Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarship Scheme, PhD Research, Grant value (£): N/A, Duration of research project: 3 Years. 2020
Membership of professional bodies:
PCIfA, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.. 2024
Fellow(Cert FA-iii), Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI). 2024
Member, British Association for Forensic Anthropology (BAFA). 2023
Other Professional Activity:
Completed Cadaver Search Dog Handling - 'Short Course With UK K9' Wrexham University, UK. 2024
THE Award. Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Times Higher Education, https://the-awards.co.uk/2023/en/page/archive-2023. 2023
Liverpool John Moores University's Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence- Impact Story (2022) - Presented to Professor Caroline Wilkinson and the Face Lab team., Liverpool John Moores University. 2022
Centre of Anatomy and Human Identification Open Prize, University of Dundee. 2020
Best Archaeology Dissertation Award, University of Southampton. 2019
Conference organisation:
LJMU Postgraduate Research Festival: Enhancing Research On A Global Scale, PGR Festival Planning Assistant, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/the-doctoral-academy/researcher-development/pgr-festival-2023. 2023
The 19th Biennial meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial identification. ‘Knowledge Transfer; presentation, ethics, bias and expectation’, Host and organiser, http://www.craniofacial-id.org/next-meeting.html. 2022