Image of Prof Gerry Smyth

Prof Gerry Smyth

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


I was born and grew up in Dublin. After working in Spain for five years as a professional musician, I moved to Liverpool in 1986 where I took a degree in 'Literature, Life and Thought' at the Polytechnic, before going on to do an MA in Cultural Studies at the University of Lancaster, and a PhD at the University of Stafford.

I combine my academic and pedagogic interests with various musical and theatrical activities.

I have research interests in Irish literary history, James Joyce, modernism, music and literature, posthumanism and ecocriticism, and would welcome inquiries for doctoral research in any of these areas.


1995, University of Staffordshire, United Kingdom, PhD
1991, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom, MA, Cultural Studies
1990, Liverpool Polytechnic, United Kingdom, BA (Hons), Literature, Life and Thought
